Hotel Life

Meet my Family.

The Ko Young-Jayme clan.  It’s becoming increasingly tough to write about my family, who I miss terribly.

Home is Where the Heart is

The concept of home has been fluid for me from an early age.  I was born in the heart of Metro Manila and spent my first few years of life between two districts visiting for weekends with my mother’s side family and living primarily with my father’s side of the family.  I also learned that where you call “home” will change.  At the age of 3, Winnipeg has been my home for the most part.  At 23, home became the Piyapat apartments in Bangkok where I taught for a quarter of a year.  I also felt the notion of home in New York City where I will forever visit to be close to family.

Because of this, I’m also aware that my current home may not always be my forever home…and I’m at peace with that.

Staying Connected

Thank goodness for Facebook.  Prior to this, we had to rely on phone communication – and when you have family on two different continents, timing is a challenge.  Technology has now allowed me to stay in touch with my relatives and friends.  To think that with hitting “Send,” I can say what I need to say, and catch up.  Can’t go wrong there!

Here are some photos of those I connected with while in Manila:

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My Why

I travel often, but certain places I will return to.  Among those places are Manila, Vancouver and New York.

Don’t you ever get sick of New York every year?

No.  Of course not.  New York is home to my cousins and their families.  I rake up travel miles just to use them so I can have a Girls Night Out with my cousins and their daughters in Brooklyn or Manhattan.  I also endure 13-hour flights over the Pacific Ocean to spend a week or two laughing at the top of my lungs with my cousin and aunt in Manila.

Traveling is my passion, and I love meeting new cities and cultures.  My why, however, is primarily to be with my family and the friends I’ve made in my journeys.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
Family and friends around the world, I miss you all terribly.  Hope to reconnect soon!



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