Meet Winnipeg

Meet the 2017 Israel Pavilion – Shalom Square.

Meet the 2017 Israel Pavilion - Shalom Square.

Hands down, the Israel Pavilion – Shalom Square is of the most theatrical and professional pavilions on many levels.  The show is performed by not only dancers, but live singers and a live band!

Israel Pavilion – Shalom Square

Venue:  Asper Jewish Community Campus (123 Doncaster St.)
Dates:  Sun. Aug. 13th to Sat. Aug. 19th
Adapted Show Times:  Fri – 4:45pm; 6:45pm only; Sat – 9:45pm; 11:15pm only

** For a complete, updated listing of pavilions I have visited so far, please click here.


Meet the 2017 Israel Pavilion - Shalom Square. Meet the 2017 Israel Pavilion - Shalom Square.



Cultural Display

There is a volunteer who creates this infographics ranging from history, to industry, to tourism, to technological advances of Israel.  We learned about the invention of a pill capsule camera, so it makes its way down the digestion tract and can send images and data back.  Amazing.

They also had a neat corner that discussed the Western Wall, where people leave prayer notes.  They have printed out a photo of the wall and fashioned it to look like a corner. The space is a box and you can actually leave a prayer note and drop it into the box through a cut-out crack in the stones.


Falafel is the classic go-to at this pavilion, or the hummus & pita.  If you haven’t had falafel, it’s a round food made primarily of chick-peas and seasoning.


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The Sarah Sommer Chai Folk Ensemble really lives up to their name of being an ensemble.  The group consists of a huge team of dancers, along with a live band and singer who have their own CDs for purchase at the souvenir shop.  Not only do these musicians play while the dancers perform, they are a show in and of themselves.  Their harmonic blending of voices and instruments make for a truly musical experience of Israeli culture and art.

One of the newer dances that I don’t remember having seen before is one that depicted the story of Operation Solomon – a 1991 airlift operation that rescued Ethiopian Jewish families from a rebel-held province.


Above and Beyond

I really appreciated the slideshow that plays before the numbers begin.  There is information about the composition itself.  The slideshow also features the history or inspiration behind the piece and its significance.

Thank you again to the Israel Pavilion – Shalom Square for the hospital and for all the information we learned during our visit!

** For a complete, updated listing of pavilions I have visited so far, please click here.



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